

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Organizing shoes

In our entryway we have an Ikea BISSA shoes organizer. As a reason we used to have an empty entryway for a couple of years, we decided to buy some pieces of furniture to be pretty and also functional in the entryway, so we decided to buy this pretty shoes organizer as one of those pieces to store our daily worn shoes.

Organizing shoes

It was kind of organized at the beginning but a while later it started to become messy and jam-packed with flip-flops and shoes. It is a little bit of a shame to show you how it looked before.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

6 Easy Tips to avoid getting mad in the kitchen

One of problems that I used to face when I was cooking or washing dishes was getting mad because of small annoying things, Dirty floor, hands full of dough while something needs me outside, can't find something I am looking for..  etc.

I was wondering and taking closer mind shot for why was that happening. I figured out that these annoying things can be solved easily with some small solutions.

1.Wear kitchen slipper.

6 Easy kitchen Tips while cooking

Thursday, May 14, 2015

A simple mail center

The simplicity of a project is very important to keep it usable and functional. In our house entryway, we have a very simple mail system. Beside the shoes storage we added two simple magazines' racks. I decided to specify them to manage and organize all papers that come in and out our home in the mean time before they get filed.

Organizing mail center

We have a black shoes storage. I found these magazines' rack in an office supplies shop. Each one costs 100 EGP which are 13$. I wish I had them in black but I couldn't find them in colours. I solved the problem by purchasing some black files and put them inside the clear organizers. They look now more fantastic than I thought. Each one of these two racks is divided into two pockets. I aimed to keep the mail center as simple as possible to be easy for all family members to use. So four sections for the whole system are more than enough for me to sort papers.

Organizing mail center

The first two pockets are holding all papers that come in and out of the home. Inbox for incoming mail and Outbox for outgoing one. Paying bills as soon as possible and checking the mail daily are excellent tips for keeping your papers organized. So these two categories are so helpful when I feel lazy to sort the mail in more details or when I am in a hurry. When I get the mail, the whole papers are kept in the inbox section till the time they get sorted. The Outbox section holds the papers that need to go somewhere out of the house.

Organizing mail center

The other two pockets are used when I have some time to sort the mail. "To File" is the pocket where I put any papers that need to be filed in the office room or in my receipts file. Any papers I want to keep like paid bills or bank statements are kept in there.

Organizing mail center

Any bills need to be paid, paper that needs an action to call, to reserve or to ask for more details are all kept in the "To Process" pocket. It also holds any papers I want to take look at like catalogues or invitations. Any other unneeded papers are thrown away in the trash can after blacking out some sensitive information.

Organizing mail centre center

How to you sort your mail? What are the categories you specify for it? I am waiting for you to share your organizing projects to inspire me. See you in the up-coming post.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Organized receipts and home papers

One of my favourite small,quick and easy organizing projects I have done through the latest months, is organizing receipts and home papers. We used to keep all long term receipts in addition to some helpful information papers like flyers and menus to be available when we need them.

Organized receipts and home papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A laundry labels' giude printable

I think it's time to talk again about laundry a little bit. I feel I did nothing in my day if I still have laundry piles in our laundry hamper. I like to divide laundry to white light dark and delicate. It's all about the laundry you have in the hamper. Right?

But there's something we all have to care about before doing laundry . Yes, you're right . Those mysterious labels in the back of the laundry pieces. In the past it was easier for me to try a little wash or some detergent to the piece of clothes rather than searching about the meaning of their labels on the internet.

But not any more. I made this laundry guide printable is very helpful in the laundry room. In helping to take care of your laundry this is awesome.

A laundry labels' giude printable
Download Now

Feel free to download this adorable printable from here. This really will help . No search on the internet any more for mysterious labels. No shrunken shirts or stretched  sweaters. No cloudy blouses or painted pants. Wohoooo..

So I  love to hear from you. How this handy printable effects your laundry daily duties? what were you doing when you see the labels before it. Leave a comment below and see you in the next post.

Friday, May 1, 2015

A handy kitchen cart

Choosing to have a handy cart was one of  good solutions to maximize space in our little small kitchen. I believe that the kitchen cart  must be functional enough to help you when you are cooking a tasty dinner.

In the past my kitchen cart was full of grocery plastic bags and some clutters. It was a shame to have pictures that time. In fact, I wasn't expecting it to turned out beautifully like that .

So, I am so excited to share my kitchen cart I tackled a few weeks ago. I aimed to make it handy for me while cooking, and because I am dying for more little work space in the kitchen, the cart is sooo thankful to hold my cooking tools I use everyday rather than having them on my counter top.  

Organize kitchen cart

In addition to put my cooking tools I use on a daily basis, I loved to make it decorative and have a little of my touch. You may noticed I attached a tray to act as a shelf there and it so shiny and looks fabulous.

Organize kitchen cart

The cart is taking a place beside my kitchen lower cabinets and it is exactly facing the stove. So I decided to put my cute utensils' jars I shared last week on top. They help me to get things done as quickly as possible.

Organize kitchen cart

I am dividing  my utensils into three categories (prepare, cook and serve). Each jar is specified to category. I also added my kitchen towels that I use in holding hot pots and trays or to dry some dishes.

Organize kitchen cart

I love to keep my kitchen hand towels in reach. So for me, this is the best place to keep them on hand. I  used a small tray holding them. I also have our tangy juice and a beautiful flower wooden jar to add a decoration to my kitchen cart.

Last but not least. I added extra kitchen towels In the bottom in case I am running out of the towels on the roll above.

What do you have in your kitchen cart? Do you have your daily pots and pans, mugs and bawls? I like to hear from you so please leave a comment below. See you in the up-coming posts.