

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

6 Easy Tips to avoid getting mad in the kitchen

One of problems that I used to face when I was cooking or washing dishes was getting mad because of small annoying things, Dirty floor, hands full of dough while something needs me outside, can't find something I am looking for..  etc.

I was wondering and taking closer mind shot for why was that happening. I figured out that these annoying things can be solved easily with some small solutions.

1.Wear kitchen slipper.

6 Easy kitchen Tips while cooking

Nothing gets one mad more than walking on a wet and greasy floor. Even if the kitchen floor is clean, I still need to wear it because I always worry of slipping down while cooking which also gets me mad. Choosing comfortable slipper to wear and not to forget to wear it each time I enter the kitchen feels much better.

2.Always use kitchen towels.

6 Easy kitchen Tips while cooking

Holding spices jars, opening fridge, grabbing food processor or getting a clean dish with a wet or greasy hands  makes me nervous. Also greasy tools annoys me when cleaning them. Having a towel to dry my hands, another to dry my dishes and last one to dry veggies and labelling them solve the problem.

3.Have a hand soap beside sink.

6 Easy kitchen Tips while cooking

One of the biggest things that make me nervous is when my hands are full of dough or full of rusk while something needs me outside, like my baby cries, a door is singing or a phone is ringing :D. It feels good having a hand soap there. Right?

4.Separate hot pots holders.

6 Easy kitchen Tips while cooking

Don't use kitchen rags or kitchen towels to hold hot pots because most probably you will not find them. This is normal if you use them for other purposes. Separating hot pots holder will fix this problem and you will always find them.

5.Wear kitchen bib.

6 Easy kitchen Tips while cooking

When I remember to wear it I  don't be worry if drops of water or oil fall toward my clothes while I am cooking or washing dishes. This is obvious but I just mentioned it because too many wives forget to wear them. Just like I used to.

6.Put tray beside oven.

6 Easy kitchen Tips while cooking

The cooking tools you are using for string foods are greasy and at the same time you will not put them into the sink cause you need them again. Put them in a tray to avoid oils and grease everywhere else. When you finish cooking, wash it with dish and you are done. 

These were easy tips to help you take control in the kitchen. I hope you find this post helpful. I am waiting for your responses and feedback. Thank you for reading.


  1. I keep soap by my kitchen sink too. I don't know how I managed without it.

    1. Yes. I feel the same since I kept it there. It makes easier work in kitchen. Thank you Stella for your comment.

  2. Great tips, Sweet! I have started wearing "inside shoes" for the same reasons you have. We don't wear shoes in our home, but I found that my feet were sore by the end of the day. So I know have shoes that I only were in the house to protect and cushion my feet. I also use a spoon rest next to the stove like the tray you use.

    1. Yes, I get used to wear side flip-flops lately as well. They make difference. Thank you Susan.
