

Meet me

About me : 

Just a girl adores something called organizing. I am married and have a little baby who gets me mad at the end of each day. As most of you know I am Egyptian. As far as I know I may be the first and the only Egyptian to start an organizing blog in English and I am happy about that. I live in Egypt - Cairo . I share some of traditions and traditional recipes we have in Egypt. I started to be interested in organizing 20 months ago, when I was engaged and started to manage for moving into new house after marriage. I wasn't only searching for organizing but also in interior designs and how to maximize small spaces. Because I live in a rent condo, I had no choices to dig into the wall or setup shelves or install dressing room for example cause we don't own the condo. Also I couldn't buy or make custom furniture to fit into places cause the probability to move on new house during the next few years exists and should be taken into consideration .The condo is not big also not very small. It was very excited to go through the challenge of organizing it.

Something to know about me. I am so girly. I adore pinks. I love flowers, bows and colorful things. when i go to any shop that has colorful items, I go crazy. I also adore those little cute items and inventions that we see in home stores.

 In searching for a long time I really got a good amount of experience in how to organize and I already have super inexpensive and creative ideas for storage and organizing.I am looking forward to be professional organizer to  help people. I am not professional organizer right now but I am working on it. I managed to study in order to get the certification. I am really excited to share a lot of my organizing ideas and DIYs. I hope they are really helpful and I can't wait to hear from you feedback, suggestions and opinions. Enjoy!!

Contact me :

I am happy to hear from you feedback, suggestions and any reports you want to make. Happy to answer any questions. Thankful for any comments and reviews. Ready to execute any suggestion and take them into consideration.Please feel free to contact me by my e-mail address at any time.