

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

An organized craft supplies area

Our craft section in the office room was occupying an Ikea BILLY bookcase in our office room. Last year I wasn't so excellent enough in taking photos and the DIYs were not so perfect from my point of view and now the craft area is a little empty and it has been put in hold for a while as we have a nice toddler running around and when it comes to a jewellery maker craft storage ... This is absolutely dangerous for my toddler.

 But I still like to show you the photos of how craft area was last year because I still remember how  it was so fun to organize such area. I am so into organizing craft supplies. I love the challenge organizing small things especially when they are so small, so pretty and so colourful. So let's take a look

An organized craft area

Monday, July 20, 2015

20 minutes decluttering challenge + New contributor to Sweet N Tidy

Today I would like to introduce a lovely new contributor to Sweet N Tidy. Anna Aamone,

"Anna is a young entrepreneur, living in London. She is experienced in the field of organizing, home improvement and home design. Feel free to get in touch with her via G+  because she loves to hear from her readers."

Anna talks today about a routine she suggests to help in clutter free. It is based on 20 min everyday concentrating on only one room pr area in house. I like these smart routines that takes a little time with a big results. So leave you with her.

20 minutes decluttering challenge

"Cleaning and organising the home always seems like a big challenge. Time is certainly one of the biggest problems, mainly because it is never enough. When you have million things to do, you have to plan every free minute you have, in order to finish with all tasks for the day. The cleanness of the home is certainly important, so you can't afford to neglect your responsibilities for too long. One way you can cope with the situation is to make a list with all of your cleaning tasks and combine them in a way, which will allow you to complete them all. Since it will be probably impossible to clean your entire house all by yourself for one day, you can plan a 20 minute decluttering challenge.