

Saturday, June 6, 2015

DIY diaper changing organizer

One of my favourite projects that really work for years now is my toddler DIY changing diaper organizer. I know I have shared it before but I thought also of making an update as some changes occurred. My toddler grew up a little and he no longer sticks in a place so some habits and activities changed. Another reason is because I didn't share an exact tutorial of how to make it. So here we are.

DIY diaper changing organizer

I have been using the DIY diaper organizer for couple of years now and I have to say it was and it is still functional. It holds all the products and essentials I need to change my toddler diaper or after taking a fun bath.

DIY diaper changing organizer

I still put his changing mat, baby cream, baby oil and baby powder in there. Because my toddler is no longer playing on his bed, I removed the toys and make more room for diaper and products. However, the organizer is effective when it comes to change diaper before he goes to bed and after he wakes up.

DIY diaper changing organizer

It was so easy DIYing this beautiful organizer. I needed 3.5 m of a beautiful patterned fabric and 1.5 m of sponge sheet.

Starting with 2.5 m x 0.5 m of fabric, I made the basic body of the organizer. I cut 1.25 m x 0.5 m of sponge sheet and pinned it to the back side of the fabric, fold the fabric in a half,  fold the edges and sewed them.

DIY diaper changing organizer

Easy done with the basic body. It's time for the pockets. I needed two pieces of 80 cm x 45 cm with 40 cm x 45 cm of sponge sheet.  The same as I did to the body I pinned the sponge sheet to the top back side of the fabric, fold the lower half of fabric to the upper one which has the sponge and sewed the upper edge. I attached the pocket to the main body and sewed the edges after folding them. Then I sewed the centre of the pocket to divide it into two and repeated the steps for the other pockets. This shouldn't be perfect. It is better to feel the mammy home made DIY organizer.

DIY diaper changing organizer

Last but not least I sewed the upper edge of the body and pinned the the organizer in the bed to be hanged and ready for use.

DIY diaper changing organizer

Easy and simple. However you can find it in our Etsy shop. It is available there for busy moms. I hope you enjoyed it. See you in the up coming post.


  1. This is a great idea! Anything to keep life easier and more organized without being super difficult to do is awesome! #TheHappyHomeLife

    1. Thank you Keisha. I am happy you liked it. It is really functional for me . You can use an old pillow case for the same job.

  2. I could definitely use this! What a great idea!
    Ntina @happy,girly,crafty

    1. Ntina, thank you for the sweet words and I happy you are here. I hope you enjoyed.

  3. Such a great idea! I could use one of these for my 7 month old! Thanks for linking up at the Submarine Sunday Link Party.

  4. Sweet, you've created a gorgeous organizer! I wish I had your sewing skills. I'm sure this organizer makes your diaper changing times so much easier for you and your little one.

    1. Yes this is working for years. I feel happy I made it every time I use it.
