

Friday, April 24, 2015

Organizing medicine

Our beautiful bathroom has a very small medicine cabinet, so I keep all our medicines and vitamins in a home care area we established couple of months ago. It is really a fantastic feel having all medication in one place. Easy find, easy grab and easy put away.

In addition to my toddler medication, we keep our vitamins, first aid, medicines and some medical tools. I decided to keep our toddler medication in his closet as a trick to avoid jam-packed stuff in one area.

In order to organize our medicines, the first step should be purging all expired stuff or medicines that will not be used again like surgery or pregnancy medications. Then I started to categorize them according to the reasons. When I have a pain in muscles I am not sure if I have a bill, spray or gel as a pain killer for it. So categorizing medicines according to type is not working for me.

How to organize medicine

For this easy cute medication system, I chose easy system for less used stuff, easier one for more used stuff and the easiest for the most used. I purchased these boxes in an inexpensive price. I put the digestive and flu medicines on top because we use them more. Other medicines and extra vitamins in the bottom.

How to organize medicine

I love drawers for easier access, so they are convenient for more used medicines. Pain killer and first aid need to have easy home and because we use the muscles and bones medicines the most, I chose to put them in drawer as well.

How to organize medicine

Everyday vitamins and medicines are kept on the very top section in the drawer box for the easiest reach. Courses medicines - like antibiotic in case of flu-  are kept there in order not to miss them.

How to organize medicine

Tools that we use during medication are also kept in one of the drawers. Syringes,  fever patches and thermometers are all in there.

I am looking forward your projects to inspire me. Tell me how do you keep and store your medicines. How does it impact to your daily routine. Comment and subscribe in order not to miss any post. See in the next post.


  1. It is so nice to keep things organized... and to be able to find what you need when you need it. Yours looks great. :)

  2. This is really a neat idea, never thought of organizing in containers for the particular illness. Thanks for stopping by to share on Oh My Heartsie Girls Friday Features!
    Have a great weekend, Karren

  3. I think you mean the "flu" for medications! A "flue" is the exhaust pipe in a fireplace chimney! I'm from the US. :)

  4. This is a great idea! Keeping medicines neat, organized, and up-to-date is so important. Please come share your blog posts over at the Home Matters Linky Party! We'd love to have you for a visit. The Door is OPEN. :)

    Life With Lorelai

    1. Thank you Lorelai for the sweet comment . Definitely I will come and share every week. I will also add you to my link parties page.

  5. I have a similar system for our medicines, but I have fewer categories for our medicine. It helps my teen-aged children be able to easily find medicine when they need it. I like the square/rectangular boxes with lids and handles that you found. I like that they can be stacked so easily.

    1. I would like to see your system in organizing medicine. Thank you for the valuable comment Susan.
