

Monday, September 15, 2014

Make your own Magic hanger

Make your own Magic hanger

Remember those magic hangers we see on TV and here and there over the internet ?

You know how much this saves space, right?. It is useful for small closets and limited spaces. I wish I could buy too many, but why I have to buy when I already have a free one in my home? I just inspired the idea and it's all  done. I couldn't believe I have it. 

Anyone can do it with no time . It's super easy and inexpensive. Do you you know the hangers we used to  hang behind doors? those which you find everywhere in dollar store ? Just check this out.

Make your own Magic hanger

This is the normal hanger. With S-shape hooks I hang it to the closet stick.

 The hanger already is divided like a chain.I hanged a cloth hanger in each section.

So this is the normal state for the magic hanger. To maximize the space . Just remove one S-shape hook and you are done. Are you ready?

Make your own Magic hanger

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .

All the shirts now are hanging vertically . I love the way it turns. 

Make your own Magic hanger

You can see now. The shirts take no much space . No screws . No drill . No even glue and DIY complicated steps. Just S- shape hook and regular door hanger. you are done. Congratulation for the new magic hanger you freely have.

I hope you liked this post. Please leave a comment below if you liked this. Make my day and subscribe to not miss any up-coming posts. See you.


  1. This is brilliant! I love how you created your own magic hanger.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Eliza. I guess I have another faithful reader. I like to be one of your friends
