

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Things to care about when you are doing laundry

Today I will share things you have to take care about when you are doing your laundry because I noticed some popular problems when wives make laundry.

Thing to care about you are doing your laundry

For example when you have a shirt that you hand washed, it will be full of water. If  you hang it with clothespins as shown in the wrong section the pins will create creases in the shoulders of the shirt because it was heavy and full of water when you hanged it. To avoid this leave it horizontally on a table or an internal rag until it dries.

Thing to care about you are doing your laundry

Also if you a have cotton shirt, don't hang it  from bottom as shown in the wrong part above, because it will end up with damaged shape. Cotton is easy to stretch when it is wet so be-careful. To avoid this fold it into half and hang it from under sleeves like shown.

Thing to care about you are doing your laundry

When you have a dress that has lots of buttons and accessories it's better for you to turn it inside out because if you don't you may find all the buttons and accessories in the washing machine.

Thing to care about you are doing your laundry

Some bad clothespins made of iron make some rug stain on the clothes when they are wet. Be-careful and use the plastic pins.

I hope you find this post helpful. I am waiting for your feedback and comments. See you next post.


  1. G'day! Thanks for sharing via our #SayGdayParty!
    Please make sure to come back, leaving comments on some people who also attended the party and of course we hope you are following us on Pinterest!
    Cheers! Joanne

    1. Thank you Joanne for commenting . Sure I do.Thank you

  2. Thank you so much for linking your Pinterest board to the Pinsomnia Slumber Party. I have had so much fun looking at everyone's great boards. Inspired :)

    1. Thank you Deonna for your comment. I hope to always inspire you

  3. What wonderful tips for doing laundry. These are the kinds of things I'm teaching my daughter before she goes off to college and has to do her own laundry.

    1. I hope this post would be helpful for her. Thank you Susan for the sweet comments.

  4. Great tips! I've learned some laundry lessons the hard way for sure : )

    1. I am happy you found this post helpful for you. I am glad you liked it. I am waiting for your new. Thank you

  5. These are so true. I didn't know the tip about hanging a cotton t-shirt in the middle. Makes sense. If you made all of those pictures, I am truly impressed!! Have a great day!

    1. I am glad this post was helpful for you and yes I made these pictures myself thank you for sweet words Eliza. I like to see you here again.

