

Friday, July 25, 2014

How to make candy toast

I don't know exactly where is this recipe from. I have been taught this recipe so many years ago when I was child. This recipe is very light, crispy  from outside and soft from inside. It is very easy and it is made mainly from toast bread.

How to make candy toast

The ingredients: 

1 bag of toast bread.
1 small bowl of water.
Oil to fry

For the syrup:

2 cups of sugar
1 cup of water
1 small spoon of lemon juice.

First, cut off the brown edges of the toast bread piece.

How to make candy toast

Cut the white part into quarters.

How to make candy toast

Flat the pieces with the rolling pin.

How to make candy toast

Roll the piece and wet your hand with some water to close the end of the roll

How to make candy toast

Do the same for all the bread pieces.

In a medium heat and small pot put the sugar and the water. Don't stir just leave it to boil until you get the thickness you like for the syrup. The syrup need to be cool before using it.

Fry all the pieces in the oil over a medium heat. Try to be fast and careful because they turn into gold very quickly.

Get out the rolls from the oil and immediately drop them into the cool syrup. Leave them for 30 seconds and get them out of the syrup.

How to make candy toast

You are done. Just feel free to eat with chocolate syrup, with cream or with nuts. I hope you liked the recipe. See you next post.

This post has been featured/shared in 

Featured on Morsels of Life: Five Friday Finds
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  1. Oh my lord I so would eat them all :)

    1. Thank you so much. I am so happy you liked it that much :D. I hope you enjoyed the rest of the blog

  2. Wow! I have never heard of this, but had to stop over when I saw the name. Looks yummy! I bet it is good with ice cream. Does it taste a little like a churro?

    1. Ummm.. It tastes like a very light sugar sweetie with soft sense from inside and a little crispy from outside. It's something like cake but much lighter... Ummm I donno you have to try it. I will also try the Churro cause I have never heard about it as well. Please try it. So easy and tasty. you have to tell me your feedback. You can eat it with ice cream, yogurt, tea , cream or sour cream. You absolutely gonna love it.

  3. This is pretty cool. Gonna have to try this..never heard of this before!!
    Thanks for sharing with us!

    1. Thank you Bobbi . You have also to send me the pictures and feedback I like to hear from you.

  4. That looks great. Such an easy treat for kids or guests, must try!

    1. It is fabulous you have to try. It will be great for kids to help you in kitchen as you said. Thank you Mari

  5. These sounds heavenly! I'll be trying my own batch soon.

    1. Oh Susan, Thank you soooo much for this cutie words. I managed to share this lovely candies in your link party on next Thursday. See you there . :)

  6. I have never heard of this but oh my I want to try it! These candy toasts sound like a sweet, crunchy snack - just the thing to satisfy that old sweet tooth!

    1. I am excited to know how you find it when you try it. I happy you liked it that much and I am glad to make you happy trying it.

  7. These look so fun and easy. And I bet they would be churro like with some cinnamon in the glaze.

    1. Thank you Audrey for your sweet comment. I will try churro. Please try candy toast it is very easy and tasty

  8. oh wow....wish I had this recipe when the grandchildren were visiting. We all would have loved these! Pinning for the future....thank you for sharing

    1. Thank you Lynn for your sweet comment. I am sure how kids will love this tasty recipe

  9. Oh my gosh, fried bread with sugar syrup? Yes, please! These look so tasty and an easy little dessert treat. Thanks for sharing on the Be. YOU. tiful link party!

    1. Thank you so much Chic . I hope to hear from you when you try this

  10. These little treats remind me of churros! I bet they'd be wonderful dipped in some sipping chocolate too. :) Thanks for stopping by and sharing this recipe with us - you're featured this week on Five Friday Finds! I'm looking forward to what you share this week. :)

    1. thank you CJ for the sweet comment. Chocolate would be amazing too with this adorable recipe. Thank you for featuring me. I like always to inspire you

  11. This is such a creative idea! It sounds really good. Thanks for sharing with Hump Day Happenings.

    1. Thank you Jenna for he sweet comment. Please try it.

  12. This recipe looks amazing and delicious. I found this simple, yummy recipe on Share Your Stuff Tuesdays and I would love it if you would come share it on my recipe link party The Yuck Stops Here. You can find us on my blog Hot Momma's Kitchen Chaos from now until Sunday evening at 8pm ET. Hope to see you there! HUGS

    1. Sure I will Cheryl .I love parties and I will be glad to be there. Thank you

  13. This is a new twist on French Toast, I have never heard of this. Thanks for participating in last weeks party, I wanted to stop by and invite you to "Weekends Are Fun Party" again this week. Hope to see you there!!

    Have a great weekend!!

    1. Thank you Karren. Sure I will be there over and over again. I am happy you liked the recipe. Please try it.
