

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How to organize fridge - My fridge tour

This is one of the most excited posts I would like to share since sometime and many of you have been waiting for it. I will take you in a tour in my fridge.

First of all I like to label EVERYTHING. I know people will make some fun of me but I don't care. I just like to label because it feels awesome and very neat for me. It is easy for me to organize like this. If I have a family guest s/he will feel comfortable to open the fridge and pick whatever to help me cooking or to eat something.

Let us start by the very first shelf in the fridge. My fridge is neither too small nor too big. It's normal size.

How to organize fridge - My fridge tour

The first shelf has all things we have in breakfast or simple light dinner, i.e all things we get from grocery like cheeses, olives, pickles, halvah, pastrami and luncheon. I like always to put them into boxes in order to not leak anywhere or dry or have a bad smell in the fridge.

How to organize fridge - Fridge tour

How to organize fridge - Fridge tour

For the second and third shelves, I really like them because I used to put fruits and veggies in colanders and wash them , leave them to dry whenever I came from the hyper market. It feels AWESOME picking fruits to eat without any offer to wash them. Or to make a salad on the spot with no wash. Everything is dried and clean I really like that.

How to organize fridge - Fridge tour

The last shelf is for juice and soda as well as for leftovers from dinner. I managed to put fridge coasters for all shelves but I felt I will not see the beauty of my fridge in fruits and veggies colors and stuff. So I put one coaster in the last shelf because I believe it will prevent soda bottles from moving around :) .

How to organize fridge - Fridge tour

In the bottom drawer I have snacks in extra colanders and dry goods that I believe that they last longer in the fridge.Let's have a look inside

How to organize fridge - Fridge tour

Some chocolate bars and my home-made lazy cake. I like to make lazy cakes for breakfast when my baby cries all day long I need something to give me power and at the same time ready to eat. On the right I have tamarind, wheat germs etc..Let's move to the door.

How to organize fridge - Fridge tour

We have water in the fridge because we live in a hot weather country specially in summer,  so we need cold fresh water everyday.

How to organize fridge - Fridge tour

the first shelf of the door I have medicine that need to be cold and eggs. I know the door is the warmest place in the fridge. But I don't have the problem of the door cooling issue specially with eggs just because I bought the fridge with already a place here for the egg, so I believe this is the right place for it. The second shelf has my baby ready-made and home-made food. Anyway I use this food during four days maximum, so I am not worry about the door cooling issue.

How to organize fridge - Fridge tour

Next shelf has all condiments we use while cooking or eating. just a quick tip here if you have your Romano cheese dried for any reason just put it in the food processor and you can add it on salad, pasta, pizza and any other kind of food. They are tasty. There is a small transparent box in the right that I use for ketchup small bags that we collect when order deliveries but it is empty now.

How to organize fridge - Fridge tour

In the last shelf I have dairy. We don't buy more than this amount weekly and some fresh cold water. I know these beautiful bottles are made for milk, but I like them because they look so nice, they are easy to pour water from it without getting the cover off, and because I didn't like the water bottles in the markets.

This was my fridge  tour I hope you liked it. If you like to share any organizing project I will be glad to share it here on my blog. I am waiting for your comments, feedback and responses. See you next post.


  1. I love the idea of keeping your fruits and veggies in colanders ready to eat! I keep pre-washed apples in a wire basket ready to eat, but I think I need to take this to the next level and do more. :)
    Found you at Creativity Unleashed!
    Kim @

    1. Thank you Kim. I am happy you liked the idea. Welcome any time.

  2. ok, I NEED to organize my fridge today!! Thank you~

    1. Then you have to send me the pictures of the results.Thanks a lot I am happy you got power from the post.


  3. I love your organization, my husband says he needs his own fridge, he can never find anything, I call it man thing. But I love the idea of using colanders, I need to go to the dollar store, I knew there was something I needed from there.Thanks for sharing this week! Have a great week!

    1. Lol. Then you have to think twice before spending money and buy extra fridge. Just make sure that you can see everything in the fridge. Get deep and high baskets or colanders from dollar store or container store. You are lucky to have container store I don't have one in my country.

      Thank you for your sweet comment

  4. Wow! I really need to organize my fridge. This gives me great inspiration!

    1. I will wait for your results pictures. I will make a readers corner very soon. I hope you will be one of them permanently. Thank you for reading and welcome anytime.


  5. These are some great ideas! I have 2 vegetable/fruit drawers, plus a deli drawer that works pretty well for us. I do like to separate my fruits into containers inside the fruit drawer and keep my lemons and limes in separate zip bags (they really keep much longer this way). I really like your use of the colanders, and I bet I could find something similar at the Dollar Store.

    1. Thank you Carol for your lovely comment. I would like to see picture of your own fridge. I am waiting.

      thank you

  6. I think you are onto something here...labeling everything is a great idea!!!

    1. Thank you Morgan. I like to see you here again.

