

Sunday, March 16, 2014

How to make a magazines holder

In this post I am going to show you how to make a magazine holder for your office room. It is made out of cardboard. That what makes it super easy ,super inexpensive and reliable. So if you have magazines, printing papers, Notebooks or any small books cluttered over here and there in your office room, you can make this beautiful Sweet N Tidy folder to collect  your office clutters for you NOW.

How to make magazine holder - office room

You will need:

1 - Any piece of cardboard available.
2 - cutter.
3 - Hot glue gun.
4 - contact or gift papers
5 - white papers

I guess the most of items are available for you. Bring them and let's go

1 - Cut the piece of cardboard as shown in the next picture

How to make magazine holder - office room

 x refers to the height you need for whatever you like to store in the folder. Magazines, notebook or small books. Just measure the height of them then you will have the x value.

z refers to the width of the magazines.

y refers to the width you like for the folder. It's your choice. It may be related to the number of magazines you would like to store. If they are too many you will need big width. If just few magazines you will need small width and so on.

2 - After cutting the cardboard collect the pieces you cut with the glue gun as shown in the next picture.

How to make magazine holder - office room

3-You only need to cover with the contact paper outside and white paper inside.

If you have only gift paper as I have you will need a glue to cover them.I mad three of them one with this pink lovely gift paper.

How to make magazine holder - office room

One with this colorful beautiful gift paper

How to make magazine holder - office room

The last one with purple and lilac gift paper.

How to make magazine holder - office room

I really enjoyed doing them as well as enjoyed posting them. Organizing is much fun than you think. I am waiting for your feedback, comments and responses with pictures and videos. You responses will be the next talking center of-course.


  1. I'm as impressed with your math skills as I am with your craft skills :). And your wrapping paper makes such lovely magazine holders.
